Thursday, August 22, 2024

Red Canyon Fire August 22, 2024

 Black Hills National Forest

Forest Service News Release

Media Contact: Great Plains Fire Information: (605) 923-8868 

Red Canyon Fire Information

Location: 6 miles northeast of Edgemont, SD

Start Date: 8/21/2024

Cause: Unknown

Size: 100 acres

Containment: 0%

Resources: 75 total personnel, heavy equipment, airtanker, light helicopter, heavy helicopter

August 22, 2024 – Firefighters have been working through the night to contain the Red Canyon fire that was reported late afternoon on August 21, 2024. The fire is burning grass and timber in steep, rugged, and rocky terrain under very dry conditions.

Containment effort has been direct attack, where feasible, using safe and appropriate tactics.  Firefighters will be implementing a combination of direct and indirect strategies for full suppression, while providing for firefighter and public safety.  Resources recently demobilized from the nearby Bennett Fire are being used on the incident. 

There are currently no closure orders or evacuations in effect.

Fire weather today is expected to be breezy with winds from 10-20mph, temperature highs in the 80s and afternoon thunderstorms are possible over the Black Hills. Saturday will bring higher temperatures into the 90s and lower relative humidity.

For  up to date fire information go to or call (605) 923-8868