Friday, August 16, 2024

Bennett Fire - August 16, 2024 Update


Black Hills National Forest

Forest Service News Release

Media Contact: Great Plains Fire Information: (605) 923-8868



Bennett Fire Information

Edgemont, SD, August 16, 2024 Federal, State and local resources are working to contain the Bennett Fire.

Fire resources were dispatched to a smoke report approximately 8 miles southeast of Dewey, SD, or about 8 miles northwest of Edgemont, SD, in Fall River County. The fire started August 15, 2024, around 1:00 p.m. Due to dry fuels, the containment effort has been direct attack, where feasible, using safe and appropriate tactics. A Type III Incident Management team, led by Forest Service Incident Commander, Josh Morgan was called in to manage the fire.

As of today, Friday August 16, the Bennett Fire is estimated at 330 acres in size, burning on the Black Hills National Forest.

The fire is currently not contained, and the cause is lightning. No road closure and no evacuations have been issued. Smoke is visible from highway 89 and highway 18.

Fire managers are strategizing fire suppression tactics while monitoring fire behavior, the terrain, and weather forecasts. Today’s objectives are to keep the fire west of road 319, east of road 380 and south and east of Bennett Canyon Road. Firefighters will be implementing a combination of direct and indirect strategies for full suppression, while providing for firefighter and public safety.

150 firefighters are on scene with an additional 50 expected today as well as additional fire engines, air tankers and aerial support.

Black Hills National Forest Incident Commander Josh Morgan said, "We would like to thank the public, all agencies involved, and local support from private landowners for efforts containing this wildfire."

Reminder: Open fires are prohibited in the Black Hills Fire Protection District on National Forest land in South Dakota and also Wyoming (see current fire restriction information), except in designated recreational sites.


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Below are photos taken of the Bennett Fire.

(Bennett Fire Photo By Krista Landreneau, Black Hills National Forest/USDA Forest Service)

(Bennett Fire Photo By Krista Landreneau, Black Hills National Forest/ USDA Forest Service)