Thursday, April 26 Update
Ignitions have been completed on the Angostura and Sheps Canyon Recreation Areas Prescribed Fire. Firefighters will continue to secure, patrol and monitor the area as appropriate to ensure public and firefighter safety. Smoke may linger in the area for several days after ignition has been completed.
Angostura State Park Prescribed Fire, photo taken by Adam Fritz |
Angostura State Park Prescribed Fire, photo taken by Gail Schmidt |
Angostura State Park Prescribed Fire, photo taken by Gail Schmidt |
Immediate Release:
April 25, 2018
Media Contact: Jeni
Lawver, 605.381.7232
Fire to be Ignited at Angostura State Park
Rapid City, S.D. – The South Dakota Department
of Agriculture’s Wildland Fire Division and South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
are planning to ignite the Angostura State Park prescribed fire on Wednesday, April 25. Mop up and monitoring will
continue the following days.
Firefighters are planning on burning
approximately 137 acres. This project is located in the northeast corner of
Angostura State Park.
Objectives of the burn are to improve
native grass growth and to provide safe and quality training for the
firefighting staff. Weather conditions will be monitored closely to ensure
prescribed fire conditions align with management objectives for the burn.
Prescribed fire is used to maintain
healthy native vegetation and is needed to prevent the encroachment of invasive
species. Fire also reduces the hazardous buildup of debris and dead vegetation
which can fuel wildfires.
Smoke may be visible
in the surrounding areas, and can linger for several days after ignition has
been completed. Fire crews will secure, patrol and monitor fire lines as
appropriate for public and firefighter safety