(Beartown RX taken 11/4/20/USDA Forest Service) |
Spearfish, SD, December 4, 2020 – The Northern Hills Ranger District on the Black Hills National Forest is planning to ignite up to 150 acres on the Beartown Prescribed Fire Project the week of December 7th, southwest of Spearfish, SD, near Iron Creek Lake.
Firefighters will conduct a test burn the morning of the Dec. 7 or 8 to check conditions and see if fuels are receptive for burning. If everything is within prescription and the test burn goes as planned, officials will continue with ignitions.
Smoke may impact the communities of Spearfish and Lead/Deadwood, Spearfish Canyon and residences along Forest Service Road 134.
“The Northern Hills Ranger District appreciates the support of our communities as we continue forward with this project,” said Brian Rafferty, Assistant Fire Management Officer on the Northern Hills Ranger District.
In an effort to reduce smoke impacts in the communities, fire officials have reduced the acreages to be burned, prioritized areas that will burn uniformly by igniting on the southern aspects of the unit, and will complete ignition during the late afternoon for improved smoke dispersal.
“We understand the concerns that some area residents have about smoke and that even with our mitigations, it will still effect some areas,” said Rafferty. “Our goal is to minimize smoke impacts to a few hours in the afternoon. Reducing hazardous fuels now will be beneficial in reducing the intensity and severity of future wildland fires.”
Fire managers use prescribed fire to reduce accumulations of woody debris (or slash) and common ground juniper. Additionally, the project will improve habitat for large game that enjoy the area.
The Beartown Project area is located approximately 8 miles south of Spearfish, SD and 12 miles west of Lead, SD.
There are multiple units of consideration off FSR 214. Fire officials said the roads in the area will remain open but ask drivers to use caution and slow down if driving in the area. With reduced visibility from smoke possible, please do not stop along the FSR 214 (Higgins Gulch Rd), as this can create a hazard for fire vehicles in the area.
For more information on the Black Hills National Forest call (605) 673-9200 or visit
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